Welcome to Is Everybody Happy!?! Chick-fil-A Culture- Success and Happiness

Read About Chick-fil-A Culture in Is Everybody Happy!?!

Is Everybody Happy!?! is the story about the legacy that Truett Cathy created within Chick-fil-A

Is Everybody Happy!?!


Creating Culture Where Success And Happiness Thrive

 S. Truett Cathy created the Chick-fil-A Culture of HAPPY in the business he led, Chick-fil-A. In this book, you will learn a number of the principles and practices that nurtured that culture, and led to a business where success and happiness thrive. 


 Mark Twain once said, “The two best days of our lives are the day we are born and the day we discover ‘why’.” Every life begins with potential to be discovered and unleashed. Understanding what you are capable of and pursuing it with all your energy can make the difference between potential unfulilled and a life rich with satisfaction, meaning and joy. Few people ever become truly wealthy, but everyone can become rich once they discover their ‘why’ and determine to live their Life Journey committed to fulfilling it. Chick fil a culture strives to create a successful and happy environment. That success was the result of business practices that Truett Cathy discovered over his lifetime. 

Application is the Key

 This is true for individuals and businesses alike. The secret is applying a ‘how’ that allows the ‘why’ to prosper. S. Truett Cathy did just that as he built the Chick-fil-A culture into a very successful business for more than half a century. You are about to gain insight into Truett’s ‘how’ as you explore many of the principles he applied to his life and life’s work.

Mark Twain understood the value of discovering and living your ‘why,’ leading to a life of ‘best days’. I would rather live that life than one that continually asked the question, “Why?”, wouldn’t you?

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